Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pornography Contributes to Sex Trafficking. #enditmovement - Day 17 of 30

Today is Shine a Light on Slavery Day.

Human Trafficking is the SECOND LARGEST and FASTEST growing criminal industry in the WORLD, generating a horrific amount of roughly $32 billion per YEAR.

Sex - Trafficking in the most known type of slavery, but the most widely used type of labor is bonded labor, which is when a person becomes a bonded laborer and their labor becomes a mean of payment for a loan.

There are currently 27 MILLION men, women and children that are victims of human trafficking. And you know what the saddest part about that is? It's that that is only the REPORTED number of people in the trade. There could be thousands of people that are in the trade that haven't even been reported.

It's easy for us to hear about that statistic, feel sorry for them and then focus our attention back onto the latest Instagram posts. Why is that?

Right now 300,000 American youths are at risk of becoming victims of commercial sexual exploitation.

That's you, your siblings, your cousins, your nephew/nieces, your children and so on. Why are they at risk?

We hear a lot about sex-trafficking in other countries, but human trafficking reaches EVERY culture and demographic.

So why are 300,000 American youths at risk? According to the National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking America's Prostituted Children, theses are factors that make youth more vulnerable to entering the trade:
  • Having older boyfriends
  • Sexual, verbal and mental abuse
  • Drug abuse by parents
  • Running away
  • Involvement with Child Protective Services
Do you know at least one person who is a victim of one of those factors above? The worldwide epidemic is closer than we think.

At the sex- trafficking conference that I went to last week, I also learned that engaging in pornography is a major contributor to the continuation of the trade. Many times, men (or women) will watch pornography and go to a prostitute, to basically live out their fantasy.

I used to think that prostitutes should be looked down upon because I had the mind sight that it was their choice, and it was their own fault that they were getting used.

Well, I was wrong. There are prostitutes that engage in that job because they want to, but the majority of them DON'T want to be there. Many times they are sold into that job, they go into it not knowing what they will have to do, or they are kidnapped and forced into that job.

So what can we do?
  • Pray- Pray for the pimps, and johns, that they would see that the pleasure and satisfaction that they get by using humans is only temporary and unfulfilling. Also, continue to pray for those who are in the trade right now, that they would be in a situation where they could get out or that organizations would help them.
  • Spread the word- Stopping the trade starts with creating awareness. Today the End It Movement had awareness spread by having people draw a red X on their hand.

Talk to you tomorrow,

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