Thursday, March 6, 2014

Use Silence to Your Advantage - Day 24 of 30

One of my favorite artists is Audrey Assad. She's a Christian song writer, with a heart full of love for God, that she expresses through her songs.

My favorite, that I've been listening to on repeat is, "Restless"...
When looking up the song on YouTube today, I came across this video that she and two other worship pastors were talking about being "restless".
She mentioned where her inspiration for her lyrics came from and she shared that they came from St. Augustine.
"Our heart is restless, until it rests in you."
I think it's so easy to wake up, think about what you need to conquer during the day, dread it and then never stop moving until you hit you pillow that night. Am I right?
Often times, we're filling our lives with tasks, or distractions that make us restless. And being restless is not where you want to be in life. It's not satisfying, and it's not a warm and fuzzy place.
Instead of flopping down on your pillow at night, and immediately grabbing your phone and checking the latest posts on social media, what if we used that time to be intentional about reflecting on ourselves?
Our hearts and our minds can never be fully rested unless we cast our restlessness upon God. He can take it. Throw it at him, amidst your reflection.
In this video, Audrey and two other worship pastors talk about how being in silence and just reflecting can be the greatest place.
Silence is the best thing ever sometimes.
Are we using it to our advantage?
Talk to you tomorrow,
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