Monday, February 10, 2014

I'M BACK!! FOR 30 DAYS!- Day 1 of 30

Hello all!!!

 I can't tell you how good it feels to be back and blogging again... and you will see a lot more of me here, because I will be writing here EVERYDAY for 30 days!

In my Research and Rhetoric class I am conducting an experiment for my final paper testing to see if blogging for 30 days will improve my writing and communication skills. I wanted to engage in something that I would truly find enjoyable, and also to find out if writing everyday WILL improve my writing and communication skills. To measure if my skills have increased, stayed the same or have decreased, I will compare test results from a practice SAT editing and context quiz that I took yesterday (before I started blogging) to the results when I take it again once 30 days have gone by.

So what could I possibly have to talk about for 30 days? The ideas are just overflowing in my writer's brain! I'm going to fill you in on my life at college, lessons that I have learned so far, introducing you to many different people that I share my life with and their life stories, and just about everything in between! I think these 30 days are going to be a really nice outlet to share what's on my heart and knowledge that I love to talk about.

I hope you consider following me on these next couple of weeks! Bookmark, Favorite and share my page with your fellow friends...that would mean the world to me.
                                              Until tomorrow,


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